A new year is upon us and we all hear about different resolutions for the new year. I decided to sit down and figure out some of my own resolutions for this next year. Realistic ones. I know new year resolutions don't usually last more than a couple weeks, at best a couple months... 2008 wasn't fantastic so I'm guessing 2009 can only be better! At least it can't get worst. And I think changing a couple things in my life could only help! So here they are, hopefully I'll be able to keep a couple.
- Think POSITIVE! Believe it or not, I'm reading a book on it. ''Vivre au positif''. My cousin gave it to me. (You know the one who sensed something was wrong and invited me over...) It gives you a couple tricks on how to live your life positively. Maybe it seems like nothing, but for the past couple years, I've always been so negative. Life is so much better when you see the better side of life. This year, the glass is half full.
- Make friends of my own and keep them no matter what. If I have learned one thing from my past experiences, it's that you can be friends with your partners friends, but his will always be his, and your will always be yours. It is so easy to forget about the important people in your life when you are in love. Love blinds you and we all know that. Lovers come and go, your friends are there to stay, well, supposed to anyways. This year, I will treat my friends with love and respect. I will be there for them whenever they need me. Listen to them, help them in any way I can, give advice in the best way I can. I will be a true friend.
- Keep my place clean! It may sound simple or even funny, but once again, my cousin made my realise something. It is important to be in a confortable environment and fell good where you are to help make yourself feel better on the inside. A couple days ago, I cleened up the whole appartement and made some changes in the living room. I have added a couple candles, some flowers here and there, and hung up some pictures on the wall of the people I love most in my life. Most of them are pictures of my family. I have really felt a difference ever since. It almost feels like home, like my own little place. The more I think about it, I feel good here now.
- Spend more time alone and be okay with it I have realised recently that I suffer from emotional dependance. I have read some books on it and am working on improving. I have made some progress but not nearly enough. I wat to be able to be comfortable on my own. Be okay with myself, in peace. It's probably the hardest one of my resulutions this year. Although I truly believe with time and effort, I will be able to solve this problem and live a better life...
I think for this year, this is plenty. I really think this year is going to be a good one! (Positive! *wink, wink)
Hahaha Les fameuses résolutions 2009
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Si on les tient on va avoir pas mal une annee semblable xxx