I feel bad bitching about it though. I was once of those girls who go on and on about how Valentine's day is the most superficial events there is. A highly commercial event made to make more money and make single people miserable while everybody else flaunts their love in front of you. I am drawn to that way of thinking right now. I do only feel like complaining about it, feel like spending that night (which ironically is a Saturday this year just to make it worst for us singles), all alone with a BEN&JERRY'S Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream watching The Notebook and crying myself to sleep going on and on about how horrible and useless this holiday is. However, for the past 4 years, I have been celebrating it. I've done the restaurants and flowers thing. I've done the chocolates, sexy lingerie and crazy hot steaming sex nights. I have loved Valentines Day. It was the most romantic day, love was in the air, little pink and red hearts posted everywhere, nervous men and women about the surprise they had planned for days for their beloved. I agree with all those who think when you are a couple you should do all those little things for your loved one all through the year. Everybody loves to get flowers for no reason. And when I say everybody, I mean men too. Yes, ladies... I personally came home a couple times with a blue flower for my man and he liked it. He did so much for me and I wanted him to know I appreciated him and noticed everything he did for me. For you gals out there who think it's really cliché, well there are other ways. Making a nice candlelight dinner for example. Anyways, I thought Valentines Day was a nice excuse to have a wonderful romantic day with your better half. So am I allowed to complain and feel sorry for myself this year because I'm single?
Therefore, I asked myself what Valentines Day really was. I then started researching (and by researching I mean I googled it and read whatever was on wikipedia or blogs of some sort). I found out this holiday isn't all about commercial fraud and it does have more to it than the chocolates. As a matter of fact, I found out that, for example, in the years 260-270, soldiers weren't allowed to get married because supposedly they did not make good soldiers. Priest Valentine then performed secret weddings for young soldiers. Unfortunately, Roman Emperor Claudius II found out and threw the priest in jail and sentenced him to be executed. The day before his execution, he wrote a love note to his beloved and signed ''From your Valentine''. I thought it was a beautiful story and that only is a good reason to celebrate Valentines Day. Or at least have a special thought for the man...
Finally, I did not get any further answer on how to react to all of this Valentines' stuff. I guess I'll just have to see how things go and how I'm feeling on that particular day. With all the new found respect I have developed for this holiday, it still saddens me to know I will probably spend it alone. Or maybe that's my answer right there, find a way to have fun, even if it means spending the night in, call a girlfriend or something, go out, whatever, and not stay alone with my misery. After all, i'm not the only single gal feeling lonely and blah just thinking about that day. We'll see. Anyways, I still have a couple days to figure all this out and find something interesting to do...
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