lundi 9 février 2009

Why We Are How We Are

I got to thinking about how people are and why we are how we are. I can't help but think we are all born a clean slate, that all of us are born the same, on the same level. Our parents, our environment, the values we are imposed, all of these make us who we are. everything we do, they way we act, all of it, are results of things that happened to us, of a deficiency, of our way of being brought up, of the presence or the absence of a parent. We all become different people with unique qualities and flaws. None of us react the same way to certain situations.
I am starting to think my ways of life and ways of dealing with things are a direct result of that exactly. I believe I have some unresolved issues of my past that stop me from growing, from maturing and going forward. It's like all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Some questions are finally being answered. Well, only a couple. I am starting to realize the true causes of how I am. Why I feel this way, act this way, why it is of such importance to me how people are with me. How come I was such a rebellious adolescent, why I have such a craving for attention and why I always seem to find a way to unconsciously push people away before they do it to me.
Now all that's left to do is find a way to put an end to it all. I need to find out how I can put all that behind me and get over it. Go on to bigger and greater things. Be happy. Be a better person, better friend... O.K., so now what do I do? Where to find more answers?

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